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Objectives of our Mission 

Economic Development 

We will increase economic development opportunities for our Island and transform the services offered to our people with advanced technology, through bills such as medical manufacturing, economic development, and sustainability. With this, we seek to attract factories and industries in opportunity zones, ensuring more jobs with better salaries, increasing their production, and betting on investment in Puerto Rico. At the same time, we will advocate for American companies to return from China to American soil, specifically to Puerto Rico. This will be an investment in our youth, parents, and mothers so that everyone can have better job opportunities and salaries. 

Economic Equality 

We will seek economic equality in tax credits for working families with children, according to the “Earned Income Tax Credit” bill, to encourage more families to work and receive tax credits, allowing more of their money to stay in their pockets. 


As a veteran, I understand and know the needs of our sector and that's why I want to do justice for our heroes living in Puerto Rico and for more of them to return to the Island. I will follow up and continue the efforts to get the “Tricare Equality Act” bill approved. Our veterans deserve the same medical service, tax incentives, home care, and to enjoy all their benefits fully as they do in other states. And even more, we have to demand that the Department of Veterans Affairs expedite appointment processes so that our veterans do not have to wait months to be attended to! 


I want a safe Puerto Rico! We need our federal and state agencies to work in a synchronized and orderly manner. We will put pressure on federal agencies like the National Drug Control Office to establish strategic plans to combat drug trafficking in the Caribbean. I am determined to fight for a place where there are resources for our police, firefighters, correctional officers, emergency management, medical units, and that this security is reflected in all our communities, especially in our schools. 

Social Justice 

I want Social Justice for our elderly, people with disabilities, and those with limited resources. We will continue to fight until Puerto Rico is included in the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program in the same way as other states. Also, I know that our Resident Commissioner Jennifer González will be fighting for Puerto Rico to transition to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program known as SNAP. And I will ensure to continue with that work in defense of our most needy so that they have better nutrition and help them out of poverty. 



I want a strong and quality health industry for Puerto Rico. This implies guaranteeing access to the health card and making federal matching funds permanent. Thus, more Puerto Rican families will enjoy access to quality services, and our doctors, nurses, and other health personnel will not have to leave the Island in search of better salaries and opportunities. 

And we go for more, fighting for our educators, social workers, merchants, and all our public servants, who deserve a government that provides them with the necessary tools to serve the people. 

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